A1)Behind the neck jerk 4x3
A2) chin up 4x4
5 Power snatch 95/65
15 Wall ball
a1) 3x12 banded face pull
a2) 3x10 dumb bell front raise
b1) 3x12 alternating dumb bell hammer curl
b2) 3x20 single arm band tricep ext
A1)Behind the neck jerk 4x3
A2) chin up 4x4
5 Power snatch 95/65
15 Wall ball
a1) 3x12 banded face pull
a2) 3x10 dumb bell front raise
b1) 3x12 alternating dumb bell hammer curl
b2) 3x20 single arm band tricep ext
Clean + front squat
6x 4+2
Hang clean to overhead 115/80
Burpee over the bar
3 rounds
8 body levers
10 land mine twist
40 second weighted plank
Min 1: 8 ring dips
Min 2: 20 second support hold
Min 3: 8 pistols
Min 4: 30 headstand hold
4 rounds
10 handstand push up
15 ghd sit up
20 pull up
A) Tall snatch
B) Hang power snatch
cal row
kb swing
3 rounds
6ea seated bottoms up kb press
6ea reverse OH lunge
8ea single arm row
Back squat 5x
4 rounds
12 KB/DB thruster
15 box jump
3 rounds
8 split squat
8 weighted back extension
Behind the neck jerk
Overhead squat 115/80
*400m run
a1) 3x12 banded face pull
a2) 3x10 dumb bell front raise
b1) 3x12 alternating dumb bell hammer curl
b2) 3x20 single arm band tricep ext
Clean + front squat
6x 3+3
3 rounds
30 cal row
20 ball slam
10 dead lifts 185/135
3 rounds
8 body levers (6 count lower)
10 land mine twist
40 second weighted plank
Min 1: ring dips
Min 2: support hold
Min 3: pistols
Min 4: hollow hold
Every 3 minutes for 15:00
100m sprint
20 double unders
10 pull ups
8 toes to bar
Bi's & Tri's
A) Tall snatch
B) Hang power snatch
3 rounds
7 power cleans (85%)
7 box jumps 30/24
7 strict handstand push up
3 rounds
6ea seated bottoms up kb press
6ea reverse lunge
8ea single arm row
6x back squat
4 rounds
15 ghd sit up
12 oh lunge 95/65
9 bar facing burpee
3 rounds
8 Bulgarian split squat
8 weighted back extension
5x3 front squat
5 rounds
1 min max cal on bike
1 min rest
1 min max sit up
1 min rest
1 min max kb swing
1 min rest
Tall clean 5-4-3
3 rounds
25 cal row
15 hang power cleans 95/65
10 push press
Tabata hollow rocks
Tabata arch rocks
10 pull up
20 pistols
40 double unders
Tall snatch 5-4-3
6 rounds
250m row
12 kb snatch 53/35
8 toes to bar
31 min cap
200m med ball run
31 med ball clean
31 box jump
31 kb swing
31 goblet squat
31 pull ups
200m med ball run
31 wall ball
31 burpee
31 hang power snatch 75/55
31 oh squat 75/55
31 med ball sit up
200m med ball run
Behind the neck jerk
4 rounds
10 power snatch 75/55
15 toes to bar
250m row
a1) 3x12 banded face pull
a2) 3x10 dumb bell front raise
b1) 3x12 alternating dumb bell hammer curl
b2) 3x20 single arm band tricep ext
Clean + front squat
6x 2+4
thruster 95/65
pull up
3 rounds
8 body levers (6 count lower
20 russian twist
40 second weighted plank
Min1: 3+5 kip
Min2: 15 second L hold
Min3: 4 each pistol
Min4: 20 second handstand hold
6 Ring dip
12 GHD sit up
36 Double under
bi's and tri's
A) Tall snatch
B) Snatch pulls
every 2 min x20
8 kbs 53/35
8 box jump
8 burpee
3 rounds
6ea seated bottoms up kb press
6ea reverse lunge
8ea single arm row
Back squat 5x
For time
400m run
500m row
30 dead lifts 225/155
500m row
400m run
3 rounds
12 weighted sit up
8 Bulgarian split squat
8 Weighted back ext