A) Power snatch + snatch (1+1 perform as singles, no TnG)
2x 65%
2x 75%
B) Snatch (3 singles at each %, rest as needed, no misses)
3x1 80%
3x1 85%
5 rounds
100m sprint
10 thruster 115/80
10 toes to bar
100m sprint
*rest 2 min between
A) Power snatch + snatch (1+1 perform as singles, no TnG)
2x 65%
2x 75%
B) Snatch (3 singles at each %, rest as needed, no misses)
3x1 80%
3x1 85%
5 rounds
100m sprint
10 thruster 115/80
10 toes to bar
100m sprint
*rest 2 min between