Max clean and jerk
50 cal row/30 cal bike
30 ball slam
20 burpee
max pull up in remaining time
Cool down
3 rounds
10 body levers
20 russian twist
Max clean and jerk
50 cal row/30 cal bike
30 ball slam
20 burpee
max pull up in remaining time
3 rounds
10 body levers
20 russian twist
Max snatch
5 rounds
25m farmer carry
25m front frack carry
35 double unders
15 ghd sit up
3 rounds
10 banded face pulls
10 hammer curls
10 db skull crusher
Even: 8 ring row/supinated pull up
Odd: 8 dip
Every 3 minutes for 6 rounds
100m sprint
9 toes to bar
5 hang squat clean 115/80
3 rounds
30 hollow rocks
30 arch rocks
30 second plank
Max jerk from rack
5 Pull up
10 push up
15 Box jump
3 rounds
20 second tuck sit
15 back ext
Max front squat
4 rounds
250m row
30 double unders
12 thrusters 75/55
4 rounds
10 hollow rocks
10 v up
10 gymnastic crunch
10 sec hollow hold
1 rep max dead lift
4 rounds
Min 1: 20 wall balls
Min 2: 15 kb swing 70/44
Min 3: 40 double unders
Min 4: rest
3 rounds
20 russian twist
15 weighted sit up
1 rep max clean
4 rounds
20 cal row
10 burpees
8 hang power clean 115/85
3 rounds
30 hollow rocks
30 second plank
Even: 5 strict pull up
Odd: 3 strict HSPU
400m run
10 oh squats 100/70
3 rounds
20 ghd sit up
12 back ext
1 rep max strict press
4 rounds
12 dead lift 205/145
8 bar facing burpee
3 rounds
10 sliding hamstring curls
10 reverse V-up
20 sliding mountain climbers
1 rep max back squat
5 rounds every 3 minutes
8 thrusters 95/65
8 box jumps overs
8 pull ups
3 rounds
15 weighted sit up
10 back ext
8 strict toes to bar
5 sets of
1 clean + 1 jerk + 1 clean (starting at 55% climbing no higher than 75%)
3 rounds
500m row
20 toes to bar
15 hang power snatch 75/55
3 rounds
10 glute bridge
10 sliding hamstring curl
10 barbell roll out
5 sets of
1 Strict press + 2 push press (starting at 55% climbing no higher than 75%)
7 rounds
3 strict handstand push up
6 deadlift 205/135
9 pull up
27 double unders
3 rounds
12 back ext
20 russian twist
45 second plank
Back squat
4@55%, 3@65%, 3x2 @75%
6 rounds every 4 minutes
100m sprint
15 kettle bell swing 70/44
10 ring dips
3 rounds
20 weighted sit ups
15 hammer curls
15 db skull crusher
5 sets of
2 snatch deadlift + 1 snatch (starting at 55% climbing no higher than 75%)
3 rounds
21 ghd sit up
15 shoulder to over head 95/65
9 burpees
3 rounds
30 hollow rocks
10 bent over db fly
10 db front raise
Hotshots 19
6 rounds
30 air squats
19 power cleans
7 strict pull ups
400m run
5 sets
1 strict press + 2 push press@80-90% of push press
3 rounds
500m row
15 thrusters 115/80
21 box jumps
3 rounds
25 gdh sit up
15 back ext
EMOMx15 (4x through)
Min 1: 30 second arch/ hollow kip
Min 2: 30 second headstand
Min 3: 6 rolling pistol
Min 4: rest
Every 4 minutes for 5 rounds
150m sprint
9 power snatch 75/55
12 toes to bar
3 rounds
10 glute bridge
10 barbell row
10 sliding hamstring curl
5 rounds every 2 min
1 power clean + 1 high hang clean +1 clean 80-90%
hang power clean 135/95
burpee over bar
3 rounds
20 weighted sit up
20 sliding mountain climbers
Back squat 5x3 @80-90%
15 kb russian kb swing 70/44
10 box jumps 24/20
5 strict pull up
3 rounds
8 KB/DB row
5 rounds every 2 min
1 power snatch + 1 high hang snatch + 1 snatch @80-90%
3 rounds
21 ghd sit up
15 shoulder to over head 135/95
9 front squat 135/95
3 rounds
30 hollow rocks
45 second weighted plank