4 rounds every 2 min
1 snatch pull + 1 high hang snatch + 1 low hang snatch @85% of snatch
kettlbell swing 70/44
sit up
Cool down
3 rounds
8 KB/DB row
4 rounds every 2 min
1 snatch pull + 1 high hang snatch + 1 low hang snatch @85% of snatch
kettlbell swing 70/44
sit up
3 rounds
8 KB/DB row
4 rounds every 2 min
1 power clean + 1 high hang power clean + 1 HH clean @85%
shoulder to over head 115/80
burpee over the bar
3 rounds
10 db front raise
10 db side raise
10 db rear delt
4 sets
1 strict press + 3 push press@85% of push press
5 rounds every 4:00
200m sprint
10 box jumps
12 pull ups
3 rounds
10 strict toes to bar
20 crunch
Back squat 5x4 @85%
5 rounds
30 double unders
15 ghd sit up
7 power snatch 115/80
3 rounds
10 glute bridge
10 barbell row
10 sliding hamstring curl
EMOMx15 (4x through)
Min 1: 20 second arch/ hollow kip
Min 2: 20 second headstand
Min 3: 4 rolling pistol
Min 4: rest
3 rounds
500m row
5 muscle up or 8 strict pull up + 8 dip
20 wall ball
3 rounds
max effort gymnastic crunch
15 arch rocks
4 sets
2 strict press + 3 push press@80% of push press
wall ball
hang power clean 115/80
2 rounds
40 hollow rocks
30 arch rocks
20 v ups
Back squat 5x4 @80%
9 rounds
5 deadlift 225/155
5 strict handstand push up
3 rounds
10 back ext
10 rear delt flys
10 tricep pull downs
4 rounds every 2 min
1 snatch pull + 1 low hang snatch + 1 snatch@80% of snatch
21 double unders
15 kb swing 53/35
9 burpees
3 rounds
10 sliding hamstring curls
20 weighted sit up
4 rounds Every 2 min
1 clean pull + 1 low hang clean + 1 clean & jerk @80% of jerk
6 rounds every 3 minutes
250m row
10 box jumps
12 push ups
2 rounds
25 ghd sit up
20 russian twist
15 back ext
Rope climb
For time
45 thrusters 95/65
800m run
45 pull ups
3 rounds
1 min plank
10 supinated barbell row
Back squat 4x5 @90%
4 rounds
250m row
15 push ups
25 wall balls
3 rounds
20 russian twist
20 hollow rocks
20 arch rocks
4 sets
1 strict press + 2 push press@90% of push press
3 rounds
400m run
21 kb swing 53/35
12 pull ups
4 min total plank
4 rounds Every 2 min
1 clean + 1 front squats + 1 jerk @90% of jerk
4 rounds
20 cal row
15 thruster 95/65
10 burpees over the bar
*2 min rest
10 back ext
10 side plank elbow touch
10 body levers
4 rounds every 2 min
1 snatch + 1 pause oh squat@90% of snatch
For time
Snatch 135/95
*30 double unders
3 rounds
8 KB/DB row
2 minutes each
:10 on :10 off
false grip on bar
top of pull up
tuck sit
bottom ring support
7 front squat 115
9 box jump 24/20
11 ring dips
5-10 rounds
Plate werx
5 rounds every 2 min
1 snatch + 1 low hang snatch + 1 pause oh squat@85% of snatch
For time
45 hang power snatch 95/65
800m run
45 toes to bar
3 rounds
8 KB/DB row
Back squat 4x5 @85%
300m row
15 kb swing 70/44
20 burpee
15 kb swing 70/44
300m row
3 rounds
10 strict toes to bar
30 side sec plank
10 back ext
EMOMx15 (4x through)
Min 1: 10-15 arch/ hollow kip
Min 2: 4-6 headstand weight transfer
Min 3: 3-7 candlestick roll up
Min 4: rest
5 rounds
10 GHD sit up
15 pull ups
30 double unders
3 rounds
30 hollow rocks
30 arch rocks
5 sets
2 strict press + 3 push press@85% of push press
3 rounds
30 cal row
20 kbs
10 box jump overs
3 rounds
25 weighted sit up
45 second plank
5 rounds Every 2 min
1 power clean + 2 front squats + 1 clean & jerk @85% of jerk
deadlift 225/155
handstand push up
-Rest 5 min-
2, 4, 6,8…
power clean 155/110
3 rounds
10 glute bridge
20 crunch