Hang power clean 10x3 40-50% 1rm
5 clean and jerks 135/95
40 double unders
Cool down
3x25 ghd sit up
3x15 dynamic super man
Hang power clean 10x3 40-50% 1rm
5 clean and jerks 135/95
40 double unders
3x25 ghd sit up
3x15 dynamic super man
Back squat + behind the neck jerk
6x2+1 @40-50% 1rm jerk
5 rounds
400m run
10 strict handstand pushups
3x10 strict toes to bar
3x20 banded pull down
Strict press 5x5 @60%
5 rounds
10 dead lifts 155/115
10 bar facing burpee
10 sit ups
Supinated ring rows 3x12
2 min hollow hold
Snatch balance 6x3 @70%
5 power snatch 135/95
10 toes to bar
15 box jump over 24/20
50 banded good morning
75 banded pull aparts
Sumo deadlift 4x8 @70% every 2 minutes
2 muscle ups
4 handstand push up
8 kettlebell swing 70/53
10 rounds
20 second hollow hold
10 glute bridge
Clean pull 12x1 @80% every 30 seconds
Thruster 100/70
Burpee box jump
3 rounds
10 body levers
15 back ext
Front Squat 6x4@70%
7 power clean 165/115
20 ghd sit up
200m run
Bulgarian split squat 2x15 each leg (db)