3 dead lift @80% 3rm
8 ring dips
12 wall balls
20 kb swing 53/35
3 dead lift @80% 3rm
8 ring dips
12 wall balls
20 kb swing 53/35
Min 1: 12 kip
Min 2: 6 head stand weight transfer
Min 3: max effort gymnastic crunch
chest to bar
clean and jerk 95/65
push up
5x every 2 min
Snatch complex @85%
1 power snatch
1 snatch
1 snatch balance
Every 1:30 for as long as possible
10 cal row
30 double unders
5 thrusters 135/95
Every 2 min for 5 rounds
Clean and jerk complex @85%
1 power clean
2 jerks
1 full clean
ghd sit up
overhead squat 105/75
Muscle up progressions +
3x through
7 second support
7 second tuck support
7 second L sit support
3 (3+1) drill
*rest 1 min
muscle up
handstand push up
ghd sit up
3 dead lifts @70% 3rm
hang clean 135/95
*50 double unders after each round
5x every 2 min
Snatch complex @80%
1 power snatch
1 snatch
1 snatch balance
5 rounds
10 push press 95/65
15 wall ball
200m run
Clean complex
5x every 2 min @80%
1 power clean
1 hang squat clean
1 clean & jerk
Every 1:30 for as long as possible
6 toes to bar
8 box jumps
10 kb swing 70/53
Back squat
5x2 @80%
20 burpee
12 thruster 95/65
20 burpee
12 thruster 135/95
20 burpee
12 thruster 165/115
20 burpee
12 thruster 185/125
*any time left over max burpees
Clean complex
5x every 2 min @75%
1 power clean
1 hang squat clean
1 clean
3 rounds
10 handstand push up
10 front squats 165/115
10 burpees
Bench press 5x5
4 rounds
5 power snatch 135/95
30 double unders
400m run
Muscle up progressions +
3x through
5 second support
5 second tuck support
5 second L sit support
2 (3+1) drill
*rest 1 min
Every 3 minutes for 5 rounds
20/15 cal row
3 muscle ups
8 burpees
5x3 push jerk
3 rounds
10 clean and jerk 135/95
20 box jumps
30 ghd sit up
5x every 2 min
Snatch complex @75%
1 power snatch
1 snatch
1 oh squat
7 strict pull ups
14 kb swing 53/35
200m run
5x every 2 min
Snatch complex 90%
2 snatch pull
1 snatch
12 cal row
25 shoulder to overhead 95/65
13 kb swing 53/35
Deadlift 5x3
3 rounds
10 snatch 135/95
40 double unders
Gymnastics skill
EMOMx15 (4x through)
Min 1: 12 arch/ hollow kip
Min 2: 5 headstand weight transfer
Min 3: 6 candlestick roll up
Min 4: rest
Even: 3 squat clean 155/115
Odd: 10 pull ups
Back squat
3x3 75%
3x2 85%
50 ghd sit ups
7 rounds
10 sdhp 95/65
10 push up
50 ghd sit up
5x every 2 min
Clean complex 90%
2 clean pull
1 from floor + jerk
3 rounds
min 1: max cal row
min 2: max burpee
min 3: max box jump 24/20
min 4: max kb swing 53/35
min 5: REST
3 rounds
ring row
gymnastic crunch
*90 sec rest
Ball slam
SDHP 75/55