BTN shoulder press 5x4 @40% push press
hang power clean 135/95
Cool down
3 rounds
25 weighted sit ups
12 back ext
BTN shoulder press 5x4 @40% push press
hang power clean 135/95
3 rounds
25 weighted sit ups
12 back ext
Back squat 5x3 @40%
deadlift 200/140
box jump 24/20
ghd sit up
3 rounds
max effort hollow body push up
1 min rest
1 min plank
1 min rest
Clean complex EMOMx10
1 clean deadlift
1 power clean from the knee
1 power clean from high hang
4 rounds
10 ring dip
15 push press 75/55
25 kbs 53/35
5 rounds
20 second hollow hold
40 second rest
Bench press 4x6 @40%
front squat 165/115
double unders
6 rounds
5 strict toes to bar
10 sec L sit
Good morning 5x5
5 rounds
8 push press 115/80
12 front rack lunge (6/6) 115/80
30 double unders
hollow hold
Arch hold
Close grip bench press 4x6
GHD sit up
Burpee box jump overs 24/20
3x6 single arm DB bench press 35/15
3x8 single arm DB row 50/40
3 position power snatch (high hang, knee, mid shin)
6 power clean 155/105
12 pull ups
18 cal row
3x10 Bulgarian split squat 30/20 DB
75 dynamic sit up
Hang power clean to push jerk
EOMOMx12 4 reps 115/75
5 rounds
20 wall balls
15 hand release push ups
2x8 toes to bar (unbroken)
2x20 landmind twist 10/5
Pause back squats 5x2 @80%
Kettlebell swing 70/44
Superman hold on GHD 5x1 minute
Russian twist 50 reps per side 25/15
Jan 31 kettle bell swings 53/35
Feb 29 handstand push up
Mar 31 hang cleans 75/55
Apr 30 pull ups
May 31 sit up
Jun 30 thrusters 75/55
July 31 box jumps 24/20
Aug 31 wall balls
Sep 30 double unders
Oct 31 burpees
Nov 30 snatch 75/55
Dec 31 ball slam
Snatch + snatch balance w/ 2 second pause in bottom
7x2+1 @75% every 2 minutes
5 rounds
50 m plate pinch carry 25/15
15 toes to bar
10 kettlebell snatch 53/35 (5/5)
3x8 good mornings 3 seconds down, 1 second pause, up fast
3x20 hollow rocks
Hang power cleans 8x3 @75% EMOM
front squat 115/80
push press 115/80
3x12 back ext, slow
3x15 db tricep extension
Pause back squats 5x3 @75%
6 dead lift 275/185
12 hand release push ups
24 double unders
3x20 weighted sit up
2x20 double kb swing
1 snatch 95/65
2 dips
3 burpees
4 pull ups
5 toes to bar
6 push ups
7 squats
8 jumping lunges
9 box jumps
10 swings
11 power cleans
12 thrusters (or 12 oz beer)
2 position snatch (high hang + low hang) @70%
AMRAPx7 compare to 12/22/14
(climb the ladder by 3’s)
3 front squat 115/80
3 box jumps
25 back ext
50 weighted sit up
25 good morning
5 sets of 2 clean pull + 3 hang power clean @70%
every 2 minutes
3 rounds
10 dead lifts 205/145
30 ghd sit ups
50 double unders
5x20 second L sit
Box squats 5x3 @70%
15 push press 95/65
15 wall balls 20/14
15 ring dips
75 banded tricep pull down
30 strict toes to bar
Sotts press 5x5 (keep it light)
thruster 135/95
box jump 30/24
2 minute L sit
1-1/4 front squats 6x3 @40% 1rm
4 rounds
10 power cleans 155/105
10 burpee to 6” target
50 weighted sit ups
Muscle snatch 7x4 @30% 1rm
3 rounds
7 dead lifts 315/185
50 double unders
7 handstand push ups
50 double unders
2 rounds
15 strict toes to bar
20 super mans