Hang power clean 10x3 @40% 1rm
250 row
15 push ups
Cool down
3x20 ghd sit up
Hang power clean 10x3 @40% 1rm
250 row
15 push ups
3x20 ghd sit up
Pause back squats 4x6 @40% 1rm
muscle up
wall balls
3 rounds
15 back extension
40 hollow rocks
Close grip bench press 7x2
Then amrap @60%
10 rounds (15 min cap)
10 pull ups
10 box jumps
5 rounds
15 ghd sit ups
15 banded pull aparts
Low hang snatch 4x5
Every 2 min @80%
7power clean 115/80
7 toes to bar
4 min weighted plank
75 banded good morning
Push jerk 4x8
Every 2 min @80%
4 rounds (12 min cap)
20 wall balls
20 box jumps
3x12 back ext
Hang power clean 15x2
Every :30 @80%
1 kb swing 70/53
1 burpee
Knees to opposite elbow x40
Good morning 5x5
Max reps @80% 5rm
For time (10 min cap)
21 thrusters 95/65
5 rope climbs
15 thrusters
4 rope climbs
9 thrusters
3 rope climbs
100 banded tricep pull down
3x25 ghd medball sit up
Bench press 5x3
-10 lbs x 10 reps
-20 lbs x 20 reps
5 rounds
350m row
8 back squat 225/135
Skull crusher 3x15 45/35 bar
40 ghd sit up
30 back ext
Squat clean + 2 thrusters x10 @70%
5 rounds
200m run
5 power snatch 115/80
15 push ups
30 strict toes to bar
2 position power clean (mid thigh, below knee) x6
@70% every :30
3 rounds (10 min cap)
10 hang power clean 135/95
50 double unders
Bent over barbell row 5x5
Plank 5x45 sec
Snatch balance 6x2 @70% every :30
3 rounds (15 min cap)
10 overhead squats 135/95
20 pull ups
30 box jumps 24/20
Dynamic sit up 75 reps
Sumo deadlift 5x5
Then max rep deadlift @70% of 5 rm
3 squat clean 115/80
7 burpees
21 double unders
3x10 dips
3x25 landmine twist 20/15
Behind the neck split jerk work up to a heavy single
Then 1 set of max rep split jerks from front rack @70%
7 overhead squats 100/70
14 pull ups
21 double unders
100 banded good mornings
75 banded pull aparts
800m Indian run
26 goblet squats
26 kettlebell sit up
26 kettlebell swing
26 box jumps
26 pull ups
26 Turkish get ups
26 pull ups
26 box jumps
26 kettlebell swing
26 kettle bell sit up
26 goblet squats
800m Indian run
Hang power clean and push jerk
Every 2:00 4x6 @70%
8 thrusters 100/70
12 push ups
24 ghd sit up
5x 40 second weighted plank 45/25
Hang power snatch 8x1
every :30 @70%
deadlift 225/155
double unders
5x5 back ext 25/15 (3 second tempo)
5x15 banded face pulls
Good morning work up to heavy single
Then 1 set of max reps @70%
db/kb snatch (alternate)
wall balls
75 dynamic sit up
3x15 bicep curls
Bench press 3x8 @ 40-50%
5 power snatch 135/95
10 back rack lunges 135/95
15 ghd sit up
150m row
3x10 back extension (slow)
Deadlift 4x6 @40-50% (fast pull, 3 second descent)
For time
21 hang power cleans 95/65
21 burpee
15 front squats 95/65
15 burpee
12 push press 95/65
12 burpees
9 thrusters 95/65
9 burpees
5x20 hollow rock
accumulate 2 min hollow hold
Snatch 6x3 @40-50%
5 rounds
min 1: 150m run
min 2: 10 toes to bar
min 3: 12 push ups
min 4: rest
100 banded good morning