Push press 5x2
80-85-90-95-100% strict press
250m row
15 burpees
25 kb swing 53/35
Cool down
75 weighted sit ups
Push press 5x2
80-85-90-95-100% strict press
250m row
15 burpees
25 kb swing 53/35
75 weighted sit ups
30 second handstand hold
10 hollow rocks
8 strict toes to bar
5 strict ring dips
3 chest to bar pull ups
30 double unders
1-3 strict muscle ups
150 wall balls
90 double unders
30 muscle ups
3x max effort plank
Front squat 4-3-2-2-1
For time (9 min cap)
30 handstand push ups
30 clean and jerks 135/95
30 over the bar burpees
1a) 3x6 RDL 55% deadlift
1b) 3x20 band pull aparts
1a) Close grip bench press 6-4-3-2-1-6
1b) Chin up 6-4-3-2-1-6
5 rounds
5 over head squats 135/95
10 box jump overs 24/20
1a) Single arm db bench press 3x6
1b) Single arm db row 3x6
1c) Barbell skull crusher 3x8
EMOMx9 clean and jerk (TnG)
Min 1: 4 reps 115/80
Min 2: 3 reps 135/95
Min 3: 2 reps 155/110
Row for cal
Shoulder to overhead 115/80
1a) 3x5 GHR
1b) 3x20 ghd sit up
Push press 3x6
70,75,80% 1rm strict press
Deadlift 225/155
Box jump 24/20
4x 1 min plank
EMOMx9 Snatch (TnG)
Min 1: 4 reps 95/65
Min 2: 3 reps 115/80
Min 3: 2 reps 135/95
Thruster 95/65
Kettle bell swing 70/53
1a) 3x 20 banded face pull
1b) 3x 20 hollow rock
1c) 3x 20 arch rock
Front squat 4x6
For time
15 clean and jerk 165/115
15 bar facing burpee
1a) 3x6 RDL 50% deadlift
1b) 3x20 band pull aparts
1a) Close grip bench press 4x6
1b) Chin up 4x6
30 double unders
15 power snatch 75/55
1a) Single arm db bench press 3x6
1b) db row 3x6
1 power clean + 1 hang squat clean + 1 jerk 135/95
5 rounds
7 hang squat cleans 135/95
14 push ups
30 double unders
3x 20 banded face pull
3x 20 hollow rock
3x 20 arch rock
Push press 3x6
65,70,70% strict press
Every 3 minutes for 6 rounds
250m row
10 burpees
Accumulate 3 minutes of L-sit
1 power snatch + 1 hang squat snatch + 1 OH squat 95/65
Dead lift 185/130
Hand stand push up
1a) 3x5 GHR
1b) 3x20 ghd sit up
Front squat 1 ¼ 4x6
Power snatch 95/65
Toes to bar
1a) 3x6 RDL 50% deadlift
1b) 3x20 band pull aparts
1a) Close grip bench press 1 ¼ 4x6
1b) Chin up 4x6
5 rounds
15 wall balls 20/14
15 med ball cleans 20/14
1a) Single arm db bench press 3x6
1b) db row 3x6
Push press 4x4
@65,70,75,75 @1rm strict press
5 rounds for time
15 ghd sit up
10 ring dips
5 STOH 165/115
3x max effort plank
Front squat
@60,70,75, 80,75,70%
7 clean and jerk 135/95
14 box jumps 24/20
21 air squats
Reverse lunge 3x6 (r/l) @40% back squat
GHR 3x6
1a) Close Grip Bench Press 10-8-6-4-4
@ 60,65,70,75,75%
1b) Chin Ups: 10-8-6-4-4
5 rounds
5 dead lifts 275/200
10 kb swing 70/44
15 push ups
1a) 3x6 Neutral grip single arm db bench press
1b) 3x15 Banded face pull
1c) 3x40 second hollow hold
EMOMx9 squat snatch
Min 1: 4 reps
Min 2: 3 reps
Min 3: 2 reps
Back squat 155/115
Toes to bar
3x6 pendlay row
3x20 banded pull aparts
EMOMx9 clean and jerk
Min 1: 4 reps
Min 2: 3 reps
Min 3: 2 reps
5 rounds, new round every 5 mintues @max effort
20/15 cal row/bike
15 burpees
10 thrusters 105/70
4x max effort gymnastics crunches
Snatch complex EMOMx10
1 snatch pull
1 low hang snatch
1 snatch from the knee
oh squat 95/65
pull up
4 rounds
15 gdh sit up
30 second handstand hold