
Warm up


10 Minute EMOM:

3 Touch and go Power Cleans


For Time:

4 Rope Climbs

50’ Handstand Walk (length of gym if you go back and forth 1x)

20 Wall Balls (20/14#)

3 Rope Climbs

50’ Handstand Walk (length of gym if you go back and forth 1x)

20 Wall Balls (20/14#)

2 Rope climbs

50’ Handstand Walk (length of gym if you go back and forth 1x)

20 Wall Balls (20/14#)

1 Rope climb

50’ Handstand Walk (length of gym if you go back and forth 1x)

20 Wall Balls (20/14#)

****16 Minute Time Cap****


Warm up

400m Run

5 Min of stretching

10 Hang Muscle Clean (barbell)

10 High Hang Power Clean (barbell)

10 Hang Power Clean


Hang power clean 5 x 3


For Time:

400m Run

10 Muscle Cleans (135/85#)

40 Push Ups

80 Wall Ball (20/14#)

40 Push Ups

10 Muscle Cleans (135/85#)

400m Run

*Time Cap = 25 Minutes


Warm up

1:00 row/bike

50’ Walking Lunge

1:00 row/bike

10 Single Leg Lateral Step Ups

1:00 row/bike

10 Single Arm Dumbbell Clean and Push Press


For Time:

150’ Walking Lunge

100 Air Squats

75 Toes to Bar

50 Single Arm Dumbbell Push Press (50/35#)

*Every minute on the minute, complete 3 burpees 



Warm up

400m Run

Then, 3 Rounds:

10 pass throughs (pvc)

10 Dumbbell Strict Press each arm

5 Strict Pull Ups or 2 Rope Pulls


3 Rounds, 1 Minute Per Station:

Max Reps Kettlebell Swings (50/35#)

1 Minute Rest

Max Reps Ab Mat Sit Ups

1 Minute Rest

Max Reps Power Snatch (135/85#)

1 Minute Rest

Max Reps Rope Climbs 

1 Minute Rest


Warm up

2 Rounds:


10 Pulls Easy pace

10 Pulls Fast pace (like you’re rowing sub 2 min/500m)

10 Pulls Easy pace

15 Air Squats

15 Push Ups


Thruster 5 x 3


For Time:

200m Run

15 Dumbbell Thrusters (50/35#)

15 Sub 1:30/500m Pace Row Pulls

200m Run

12 Dumbbell Thrusters (50/35#)

12 Sub 1:30/500m Pace Row Pulls

200m Run

9 Dumbbell Thrusters (50/35#)

9 Sub 1:30/500m Pace Row Pulls