Every 3 min for 12 min
1 power snatch
3 oh squats
1 snatch
3 rounds
30 cal row
20 push up
10 dead lift 225/145
3 rounds
10 single leg rdl
10 dumb bell pull over
20 ab wheel outs
Every 3 min for 12 min
1 power snatch
3 oh squats
1 snatch
3 rounds
30 cal row
20 push up
10 dead lift 225/145
3 rounds
10 single leg rdl
10 dumb bell pull over
20 ab wheel outs
10 kip swing
5 tempo ring dip
20 second L sit
3 hang squat clean 135/95
3 muscle up
-4 min rest-
6 hang squat cleans 115/80
6 pull up
3 rounds
10 hollow bottoms up kb bench press
15 bicep curls
15 dumb bell skull crush
Every 3 min for 12 min
1 power clean
2 front squats
1 thruster (no thruster-jerks)
1 clean
3 power snatch 115/80
6 handstand push up
12 box jump overs
3 rounds
8 victorian raise
10 banded pull throughs
20 ghd sit up
False grip hold :20
Inverted row x8 tempo
Support hold :20
Min 1: 35 second ball slam
Min 2: 45 second row
Min 3: 15 burpees
Min 4: Rest
3 rounds
10 banded face pull + ER
10 single arm bench press
20 russian twist
2 rounds
50’ weighted walking lunge 50/35
16 toes to bar
8 power cleans
2 rounds
50’ weighted walking lunge
16 bar muscle up
8 power cleans
2 rounds
50’ weighted walking lunge 35/20
16 hanging knee raises
8 power cleans
2 rounds
50’ weighted walking lunge
16 pull ups
8 power clean
Every 3 min for 12 min
1 power snatch
1 hang power snatch
3 oh squats
1 snatch
10 Handstand push up
Double KB front rack carry x2 length of gym
10 Double KB front squat
3 rounds
8 ½ kneeling banded face pull + ER
20 ab wheel outs
10 back ext
Min 1: 2 chest to bar + 2 bar muscle up
Min 2: 5 headstand k2e + 2 kipping hspu
Min 3: 4 box spistol
Every 3 min for 18 min
40 double unders
7 hang power cleans 135/95
10 burpees
3 rounds
10 hollow bottoms up kettlebell bench press
15 bicep curl
20 tricep pull down
Every 3 min for 12 min
1 power clean
1 hang squat clean
2 thruster (no thruster-jerks)
1 clean
1000m row
50 thrusters 45lb
30 pull ups
3 rounds
10 db row
20 gymnastic crunch
8½ kneeling bottoms up press
15 second false grip hold
30sec Handstand hold
20 sec L sit
Min 1: Bike :20/:10x2
Min 2: 15 Wall ball
Min 3: 12 Toes to bar
Min 4: Rest
3 Rounds
20 Ab wheel outs
10 Band pull aparts
10 Glute bridges
10 dumb bell snatch 50/35
15 burpee box jump over 24/20
20 dumb bell snatch
15 burpee box jump over
30 dumb bell snatch
15 burpee box jump over
40 dumb bell snatch
15 burpee box jump over
50 dumb bell snatch
15 burpee box jump over
*20 min cap
10 dumb bell snatch 35/20
15 burpee box jump over 20/20 (step over allowed)
20 dumb bell snatch
15 burpee box jump over
30 dumb bell snatch
15 burpee box jump over
40 dumb bell snatch
15 burpee box jump over
50 dumb bell snatch
15 burpee box jump over
*20 min cap
Every 3 min for 12 min
1 power clean
1 hang squat clean
2 thruster
1 clean
10 Deadlift 185/130
200m run
10 Handstand push up
45 second bike
3 rounds
8 glute bridge
6 ½ kneeling banded face pull + ER
20 russian twist
Ring support :10
Headstand/ Handstand hold :30
Kip 12-15
5 rounds every 4 min
150m run
3 hang squat cleans 135/95
6 burpees over the bar
9 chest to bar pull up
3 rounds
10 landmine row
10 single arm db bench press
20 sit up
Every 3 min for 12 min
1 power snatch
1 hang power snatch
3 oh squats
1 snatch
4 rounds
50 double under
30 russian kb swing
15 toes to bar
50m suitcase carry (25mRight/25mLeft)
3 rounds
8 Victorian raise
10 weighted pull back
12 banded good morning
False grip hold :15
Inverted row x8
Dip x6
Min1: Bike 2x :20on/:10off
Min2: Ball slam 15
Min3: Burpee 15
Min4: Rest
3 rounds
10 Half kneeling land mine press
8 kb windmill
50 Calorie row
40 Wall balls
30 Shoulder to overhead 115/80
20 Box jumps
3 rounds
15 bicep curl
15 tricep pull down
20 weighted sit up
8 back ext
Every 3 min for 9 min
@75% of last week complex
1 power clean
1 hang squat clean
2 thruster
1 clean
12 double kb/db front squat
12 double kb/db push press
40 double unders
3 rounds
8 Victorian raise
12 back ext
20 ghd sit up
tempo strict pull up x3
tempo ring dip x3
6 alternating rounds with partner (3/3)
20 cal row/bike or 1 min of work
15 burpee box jump overs
7 mucle up or 9 strict pull up + 9 strict dip
3 rounds
8 hollow bottoms up kb bench press
6 ½ kneeling banded face pull +ER
10 landmine twist
Every 3 min for 9 min
@75% of last week complex
1 power snatch
1 hang snatch
2 oh squats
1 snatch
4 rounds
6 Clean and jerk 115/80
12 Toes to bar
18 Oh plate lunge 45/25
3 rounds
8 glute ham raise
10 landmine row
1 min plank
tempo strict pull up x3-5 weighted
hollow body push up x5-8
Even: Row for cal in 45 sec
ODD: 12 hand release push up
-3 min rest-
Even: 45 sec double under
Odd: 12 kb swing
3 rounds
10 ½ kneeling bottoms up kb press
12 bicep curl
12 db skull crusher
10 power snatch 75/55
3 bar muscle up
10 power snatch 45/35
5 jumping chest to bar pull up
3 rounds
12 banded good morning
10 db row
20 sit up