Power clean + push press
2x 50%
2x 60%
1x 70%
Min 1: 30sec right arm db C&J
Min 2: 30sec left arm db C&J
Min 3: 30sec no push up burpee box jump over
Min 4: 30sec sit up
Min 5: 150m run
Power clean + push press
2x 50%
2x 60%
1x 70%
Min 1: 30sec right arm db C&J
Min 2: 30sec left arm db C&J
Min 3: 30sec no push up burpee box jump over
Min 4: 30sec sit up
Min 5: 150m run
Back squat
5x2 80-85% 5.0.x.1
6 rounds
100m sprint
8 dead lift 185/130
100m sprint
8 burpee
*rest 1 min between rounds
2 position clean pull
3x 75%
2x 80%
12 hang power clean 115/80
8 front rack lunge (4/4)
12 box jump
A1) 5 Inverted bar row
A2) 5 strict dip
A3) 5 table top
3 rounds
600m run
5 rounds of:
3 strict pull up
6 push up
9 air squat
A1) 5 strict press
A2) 3 dead lift
10x 50m sprint
*rest = 100m walk
20 ab wheel out
5 hip ext + 20 second hold on last rep
20 russian twist
5x3 oh squat 2.1.x.1
Every 6 min for 4 rounds
500m row
6 hang snatch 95/65
10 toes to bar
Back squat
5x3 70-75% 5.0.x.1
10 min clock
1500m row
AMRAP remaining time
60 double under
40 wallball
3 position clean pull
3x 70%
3x 75%
3 rounds
400m run
21 sit up
15 db/kb deadlift
9 box jump over
A1) strict pull up cluster 2.2.2(10 sec rest) 3.1.x.3
A2) 3 strict dip 5.5.x.5
A3) 40 second reverse plank (20.20)
Every 4 min for 5 rounds
300m row
20 kb snatch
12 toes to bar
A1) strict pull up cluster 2.2.2(10 sec rest) 3.1.x.3
A2) 3 strict dip 5.5.x.5
A3) 40 second reverse plank (20.20)
Every 4 min for 5 rounds
300m row
20 kb snatch
12 toes to bar
A1) 5 strict press
A2) 3 dead lift
power clean 95/65
shoulder to overhead
burpee over the bar
5x3 overhead squat 2.1.x.1
5 rounds
2 min clock
200m run
15 oh squat 75/55
-rest 1 min-
3 position clean pull (floor, knee, mid thigh)
4x 70%
3 rounds
500m row
15 Hang clean 115/80
15 Box jump
A1) 8 Inverted bar row 3.1.x.3
A2) 8 DB bench press 3.1.x.1
A3) 40 second hollow hold (20.20 10 sec rest)
Every 3 min for 6 rounds
6 Pull up
8 Thruster 75/55
50 Double under
A1) 5 strict press
A2) 3 dead lift
3 rounds
400m Run
50m Single arm oh carry (heavy kb or db)
50m Single arm farmers carry
20 sit up
A1) strict pull up cluster 2.2.2(10 sec rest) 2.1.x.2
A2) 3 strict dip 3.3.x.3
A3) 30 second reverse plank (10.10.10 rest 10)
10 DB snatch
8 push up
6 toes to bar
*increase 2 reps every round (R2=12,10,8, R3=14,12,10…)
5x3 overhead squat 2.1.x.1
For time
1000m row
3 rounds
9 front squat 135/95
15 box jump
21 kb swing
A1) strict pull up cluster 2.2.2(10 sec rest) 2.1.x.2
A2) 3 strict dip 3.3.x.3
A3) 8 reverse db flys
8 rounds
100m run
10 wallball
1 rope climb
A1) 8 DB Z press 3.1.x.2 (moderate weight)
A2) 8 Single arm bent over row 2.1.x.2
A3) 30 Sec L sit (done in a cluster 10.10.10)
Push press 75/55
Sit up
A1) 12 Split squat (kb at sides, 6/6) 3.1.x.1
A2) 12 Banded face pull 2.1.x.2
A3) 8 KB/DB windmill (4/4)
AMRAPx4 for 4 rounds
3 hang power snatch 95/65
6 burpee over the bar
12 box jump
*rest 2 min