Back Squat
6x2 (building to a heavy double 85%+)
5 rounds
40 sec bike
15 wall ball
18 kb snatch 53/35 (9r/9l)
*rest 1 min between
Back Squat
6x2 (building to a heavy double 85%+)
5 rounds
40 sec bike
15 wall ball
18 kb snatch 53/35 (9r/9l)
*rest 1 min between
2 rounds for time of:
100 double-unders
20 overhead squats
100 double-unders
12 ring muscle-ups
100 double-unders
20 dumbbell snatches
100 double-unders
12 bar muscle-ups
Men perform 115-lb. OHS, 50-lb. DB snatches
Time cap: 14 minutes
Front Squat
5x2 @85%
20 Wall ball
20 Kb swing 55/35
20 box jump
20 ghd sit up
A) 5 min of kipping pull up practice
B) 5 min of kipping hspu practice
**all done in sets of 2-4 with no more than 20 reps each
3 rounds
18 deadlift 225/155
15 chest to bar
12 handstand push up (strict or kipping)
A) Power snatch
2x 50%
2x 60%
2x2 70%
B) Snatch
1x 75%
1x 80%
2x1 85%
Every 3 min for 7 rounds
100m Row
5 right arm KB snatch
3 right arm OH squat
5 left arm KB snatch
3 left arm OH squat
Power clean + Push press + Push jerk (1+3+2)
(1+2+2) @75%
12 toes to bar
8 clean and jerk 115/80
40 double unders
18.2 & 18.2a (12 min cap)
DB front squat 50/35
Burpee over the bar
*in remaining time establish 1rm clean
Kipping practice
A) 5x3 pull up
B) 5x3 handstand push up
7 hspu
10 chest to bar
14 oh squat 95/65
500m row
Every 2 min for 12
1 clean + 1 hang clean + 1 jerk
(80% for 3 sets , 85% for 3 sets)
2 rounds
30 burpee over the bar
30 power clean 95/65
30 shoulder to overhead
*rest 2 min between each round
Every 2 min for 12
1 power snatch + 1 snatch + 1 power snatch
(80% for 3 sets , 85% for 3 sets)
Every 4 min for 5 rounds
30 second bike
45 double unders
3 snatch @85%
Back squat
5x2 @80-85%
3 rounds (14 min cap)
35 wall ball
20 ghd sit up
15 dead lift 225/155
8 toes to bar
10 db hang clean and jerk 50/35
14/12 cal row
8 hanging knee raises
10 db hang clean and jerk 35/20
14/12 cal row
A) Max strict pull up
B) 2x Max kipping pull up
16 chest to bar
50’ db walking lunge 50/35
8 burpee over db’s
A) Power clean + push jerk (1+1)
2x2 70%
2x2 75%
Power clean + push jerk (1 rep on the min)
3 min 80%
3 min 85%
12 db clean and stoh 50/35 (push press, jerk)
50 double under
A) Power snatch + snatch (1+1 perform as singles, no TnG)
2x 65%
2x 75%
B) Snatch (3 singles at each %, rest as needed, no misses)
3x1 80%
3x1 85%
5 rounds
100m sprint
10 thruster 115/80
10 toes to bar
100m sprint
*rest 2 min between
2k row –for time
5 min amrap alternating db snatch –max reps
3 min amrap burpee box jump over –max reps
15 Banded body row
1 min plank
30 russian twist
A) max strict hspu
B) max kipping hspu
10 handstand push up
10 dead lift 225/155
30 wall ball
*rest 4 min and repeat
Dead lift
5x 60%
5x 70%
3x5 75% (amrap 3rd set)
Cal row
DB thruster 50/35
Power snatch + snatch + oh squat (1+1+1)
2x 50%
2x 60%
Power snatch + snatch (1+1)
2x 70%
2x1 80%
Every 3 minutes for 12 min
2 rounds
8 OH squat 95/65
8 toes to bar
*10/12/14 increasing reps every 3 min
A) 20 sec handstand hold
B) 1 Strict HSPU + 2-4 kipping
Min 1: 40 Double under
Min 2: 7 Dead lift 225/155
Min 3: 7 Handstand push up